Oktavia's Request List All the ideas and discussions
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Link ~> https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=1YsJgcq-xUA
I think the English title is something along the lines of ‘Napolitan Rematch’(?) but I’m having trouble finding any information on the Vocaloid Napolitan contest as it seems like on its website it was the winner(?) but I can’t read Japanese on the dot despite my admirations of the country and it’s culture. D : I can say the only place you’ll find colorful magical girls in real life are at conventions, and that anime is not a direct translation to Japanese(example; putting kun, Chan, san, or sama in front of your own name is seen as acting though you are entitled and above everyone else.)
The song is also by OSTER project so you now it’ll be catchy, but there is nearly no covers of the song from what I’ve checked, so I guess it’s free game? O^O Plus I have no clue if it’s its own Vocaloid or uses a different Vocaloid voice bank with the appearance swapped with the Napolitan girl. (PS uh Napolitan is a type of spaghetti soaked in ketchup ) hope you all maybe learned something today, thank you all so much for the votes on my suggestions, but what are you still doing here reading me haha go to the back pages you might see something you like : D )
Love, AlexLikesToDraw

Alex V , 03.03.2019, 12:54
Idea status: under consideration


Alex V, 08.03.2019, 17:31
Napo Napo Napo Napo Napolitan!~
Alex V, 15.03.2019, 16:21
Napo Napo Napo Napo Rematch! : D
Alex V, 15.03.2019, 16:26
Oh good news I decided to add here as well, I think Hastune Miku was the Vocaloid used in this song by OSTER project ^^

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